Travelling is good for lots of things and it also increase mental peace.It can make you a happier person by building self confidence,providing new experiences and memories,breaking routine and allowing you to meet people from all over the world.I want to share some good benefits of travelling so that you will also get immense happiness.

1.Self Confidence-As we all know in our Indian Society still the scenario is that girls was not safe or its unsafe to travel alone for them.If you travel alone you face a-lot of ups and down.Unexpected situation which makes you strong and confident to deal it on your own terms & conditions.

2.Happiness-The basic reason why travelling makes us happy is the sense of freedom we get, when we escape from our mundane life and break the cage we have created for ourselves.

3.Makes you taste variety of Food– I feel food is powerful, it has the ability to shape your journey and define your memories.We discover foods we have never tried before,discovering a new food while traveling is reason enough to go the same place someday.Its so cool going to a different places and seeing how much you can tell about a culture and what they value purely based on their food.

4.Detox From Social World-Have a break from the present day to day routine,once in a while you can disconnect and change your life .I called it “Digital Detox Therapy” which gets me out of my comfort zone. In our daily routine we know how to act and respond to people and our surrounding but being in a new place with different people who hold different values & culture makes us learn many new things.

5.We get “ME TIME”– Life on the road is different from life back home .It gives us breathing space that is often lost in our usual day to day life.We also get a moment of peace and simply be ourselves,sometime we just need to do our own things whether its being swing with our ipod or sitting on the beach.

6.Refreshing Memories-Recalling moment of happiness can sustain a feeling of contentment long after the moment has passed and new experiences gives us memories that can stick with us forever.

7.Good Effect of Travelling– Vacation improves your health from cutting down on stress to lowering chances of anxiety.The soul inside us is always wanting to break free,to live,to escape.However its the mind always trap the spirit and try to convince it cannot be break free.

Be A Free Soul🤗
Love & Peace
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