I am writing this after a long time, was busy with my new little family member.And “Ellie” is the only reason which makes me eager to share my view on their lives and attitudes.
I must tell you there is nothing more fulfilling than having a dog as your new family member.They are just like an angel who has the magical power to brighten our lives with their positive and playful attitudes.They have a very deeper meaning in their owner’s lives.

Dogs are like family members :
Whenever you get lucky to have a dog trust me you might find yourself flinging for your dog like your own child. Buying treats, a new toy, a new collar, and maybe even cute little doggy clothes might become your first priority and most important you will enjoy it also. According to studies, people who have strong bonds to their pets also have close relationships with their family & beloved ones.

Dogs Show Compassion :
The sweet temperament of a dog has the potential to melt any heart and makes you feel special, which is good for you because it is important to feel compassion for those around you and encourage selflessness and enlightenment.

Dogs teach Lessons:
Dogs teach loyalty and integrity.Their loyalty is unquestionable and there have been many famous stories of dogs acting selflessly and firmly to their owners and even their animal friends.A dog will never betray you that’s the immortal truth.We can rest assured that our dog will never cheat on you or betray you to anyone else. You can count on your dog.

Dogs never Judge:
Dogs don’t judge for our success and failures. They don’t care whether we are rich or poor, fat or thin, ugly or beautiful. But humans care about these things and as much as they try to be non-judgmental, everyone has prejudices. Your dog is the only one who loves you for who you are. You can be totally yourself with your dog without any fears of being scoff.

Dogs bring Happiness:
Just try to Spend just 15-30 minutes with your dog that can help you feel more calm and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your dog soothes us like a spa, So the next time you’re feeling down, grab the newest toy from your BarkBox and spend some time with your puppy! That wagging tail will be sure to put a smile on your face and feel you more energetic.

One thing that differentiates any human from a dog is that your friends might find new friends and forget about you but your dog will always have only you as its friend. Even your best friend might have his own best friend but your dog’s best friend is you and it will always be that way. Even if your dog gets friendly with other animals or humans, it will always love you more than everybody else. You can count on a dog in all these ways.” That’s why dogs are man’s best friends.”
Love animals:)