Diabetes Is a metabolic condition that some people are born with and others may develop over time. It creates such condition where blood sugar levels in the body remains high as the body fails to regulate it.Insulin is the hormone which plays an important role in it.

It is a widespread and persistent problem and India, which is why India is called the world capital of diabetes. In general, there are two main types of diabetes – type 1 diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin at all and type 2 diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work properly to absorb sugar from our blood. Diabetes affects more than 62 million Indians today.

This hormonal disorder can lead to heart diseases, strokes, kidney failure, liver damage and cataract, apart from other less serious health problems. With the sweet disorder becoming increasingly common and life-threatening, there are some simple lifestyle changes you can make to prevent diabetes from taking your life. And home remedies are the best remedy for curing diabetes. This remedy which i am going to share today wity includes only two thing (Ginger & Turmeric).

My family was also among those sufferers ,and it was very painful seeing your loved ones taking an injection before their meal,so with lots of experiments and research finally we found the best natural home remedy to cure diabetes i.e Ginger & Turmeric Tea and trust me its 100% effective.As in this whole wide world there are lots of medicine on which patient are dependent for their disease but this easy to make drink will cost you almost 1% of your medicine cost per day and you will see the progressive result in few weeks.Only you have to do is to start your day with this ginger turmeric tea and in few weeks you will bid a good bye to your diabetes.

The human clinical research conducted on diabetic and pre-diabetic patients revealed that Ginger had the following beneficial effects:
- Reduction in liver glucose production
- Reduction in liver glycogen production
- Suppressing hyperglycemia-induced inflammatory state
- Stimulating insulin secretion from pancreatic tissues
- Improvement in pancreatic cell function,
- Increasing insulin receptor β and reduction of insulin resistance
The human clinical research conducted on diabetic and pre-diabetic patients revealed that Turmeric had the following beneficial effects:
- Glucose lowering effect
- Improved beta cell function
- Improved fatty acid oxidation and utilization
- Stimulating insulin production
- Improving activity of pancreas cells
- Improving sensitivity to insulin
- Reducing inflammation
- Stimulating utilization of glucose by the body
Recepie to make Ginger turmeric tea-
- Add water in a pan and bring it to a boil.
- Add ginger and ground turmericand simmer for 5 minutes.
- Switch off the heat and add the lemon juice if you found it taste
- Sieve the teaand serve hot..
- For flavour change we can also add tomato and beatroot and coriander.
If you have any doubt or second thought below i am sharing my uncle report where you can see the drastic changes in the numbers.My moto to share this is to defeat this disease which is taking away the sweetness of our loved ones.

Stay Healthy:)