Candle (A symbol of sharing).A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.Lighting candles is a sacred ritual throughout the world,as we all knows candle can be used for any purposes like to illuminate darkness,offer prayers and now a days its like a fashion trend also whether in the form of candle light dinner,birthday parties or for decorating our homes as it nourish grateful living,and last but not the least to make your loved ones special. I love to sit silently in my room and watch candle flame which is best source of calm and relaxment.

Most amazing part it is scientifically proven that candle soothe our mind.Believe me the flamebeau will for sure relax our mind by reducing stress and it can easily make you achieve a meditation state.As per my experience a sented candle complements our moods and make a world of differences.they designed to induce different feeling and emotion.
“It’s better to light a candle than cusre the darkness”

“Travel Light,Live Light,Spread the Light,Be the Light.”
I think most of you get mesmerized by the aromatic light,whether in your fireplace or on a candle.Staring at a flame is a great way to quiet our mind.Many people find very easy to do meditation with flame of candle light.And trust me candle light meditation helps us to improve our mental stability.And if you fixed your eyes on the flame,they don’t see anything beyond the flame which will give you must needed mental peace.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared that what Candles teach us.:)
Keep Glowing
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