Right now cutting down our waste and especially cutting down the amount of plastic we waste is a very important topic.As resposible travellers,its something that we need to take into an account whenever planning a trip to any corner of the world.

Much of the plastic pollution floating in our ocean and clogging our rivers originates in developing countries. Those countries don’t usually have reliable systems for disposing of plastics or waste in general. As a traveler, you probably won’t know the ins-and-outs of waste-disposal in the country, so the best thing you can do is reduce your use of harmful plastics.

Seriously, even though you threw that bottle into the recycling or the trash, there’s no assurance that it will end up recycled or incinerated. In a lot of places, trash is piled on the curb where animal have a whole night to dig through it before someone hauls away what’s left in the morning.

Responsible travellers have more of an impact than the dozen or so bottles they decline to use during their trip. Every person who consciously purchases items with sustainable packaging has an effect on the economies they purchase from. Buying eco-friendly travel products (or just buying less of the disposable stuff) and using sustainable travel companies is a vote for greener and more responsible travel infrastructure.

Reducing your plastic footprint doesn’t take much effort, and in time, a little effort becomes routine… and healthy, sustainable travel routines are a beautiful thing, my friends.

Now, let’s take a look at the best ways we backpackers can reduce the amount of plastic we consume on the road
Reusable Metal Water Bottle
It’s absolutely crazy how many plastic water bottles we would end up going through if we didn’t own a reusable metal water bottle! Not only are these practical, but they also majorly reduce the amount of plastic waste we leave behind us every single day.

If you are going travelling, having a reusable water bottle is a must. Many hotels or restaurants will have free drinking water on hand for you to just fill up whenever you need, so you’ll be saving money too!
Bamboo Toothbrush
What’s one of the main plastic items we see washed up on the beach? Toothbrushes. They are everywhere! It’s recommended that a toothbrush is changed every three months, so where does that old one go – straight into landfill, with many making their way to the sea.

So, to stop our toothbrushes ending up littering the oceans, we’ve made the switch to bamboo alternatives. Cheap and, most importantly, biodegradable, these gems will break down completely after they’ve been thrown away – no more sandy toothbrushes brushing up the shoreline!
Reusable Canvas Bag
This is probably the second biggest win in this list… Always have a fabric bag with yourself. That way you wont get caught out at the shops, market or whatever and be forced to take a plastic bag.

A good way to combat this, besides simply refusing the bag and carrying the items without one, is to travel with your own reusable non-plastic bag and take it along with you to the shop. I’ve got a little canvas one that does that job perfectly!
Ditch soap bottles for bars
Those travel sized toiletries are handy, we know. But using them also means incurring waste on holiday, and it’s too often that they don’t get recycled. We suggest using soap, shampoo and conditioner in bar form.That’s right, shampoo in a bar! Plus, shampoo bars will never leak in your bag!

Ask for fresh food and drink
A lot of beverages come in plastic bottles. Avoid these by asking the waiter or waitress if they have any freshly squeezed juice or tap water that is safe for drinking. Fancy an ice cream? Opt for a cone instead of a pre-packaged option.Alway carry some nuts ,dryfruit or snacks with yourself to avoid chips rapers which we know is also a plastic. You’ll be avoiding plastic and the fresh fruit and veg will keep for longer instead of going slimey!

You are now starting to see a common theme. Items that you use on a daily basis all have plastic-free alternatives! Carry a pair of travel chopsticks, a spoon, fork
There is simply no reason why anyone should use plastic cutlery. We have all become complacent in the culture of single-use plastic as a means of convenience.

Sure, plastic forks can be super convenient sometimes. But if you plan ahead and change your habits, packing a pair of chopsticks just becomes normal.

Embrace the 5 R’s – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Not so long ago, the 3 R rule applied to personal trash management- reduce, reuse, recycle. But times have changed and the world has moved on. Now, plastic pollution is the biggest issue facing the planet today, so two more R’s needed to be added to make the rule relevant in today’s day and age.
They’re pretty simple rules:
Refuse plastic where possible!
Reduce your plastic consumption. Find alternatives, think outside the box, or simply read the points above!
Reuse any single-use plastic items you come across
Repurpose your plastic. Plastic bottle? Use it to store chemicals, or petrol, or soap. Just repurpose it!
Recycle as a last resort, only when the item can no longer be used anymore!
is amazing! when did you start this blog?
Thanks 🤗