Icecream can be a bliss for our various mood swings, as it can cause both physical and an emotional set of response in people mind.
“U can’t be sad when you are eating Icecream”
Winter has finally ready to go and icecreams are on my mind.It will still be a few more weeks before the bright sun is in season.But luckily I have been able to satisfy my ice cream craving today on Sunday brunch with some frozen scoop of (blackcurrant, tutty fruity, butterscotch, some chocolate over it and also some hot chocolate sauce and jelly.

Icecream’s just not giving the only good taste as it has energizing effects, it contains protein which is made up of amino acid, which increases the mood uplift aids of boosting tyrosine levels in your brain.
It also helps us to relax and sleep better.
Eating ice cream when you are stressed out may give you the feeling good reaction.
“I-scream, U-scream, we all scream for ice cream”
So go and have some ice cream…… 🙂